《我的朋友-My friend》
I hve mny friends. One of them is my clssmte M Hu.He is Legue member nd one of the best students in my clss.He is fond of English nd good t it. He often prctises reding loud. So he hs good pronuncition. He is lwys redy to help others. With his help I hve mde GREt proGREss. I hve mde up my mind to ctch up with him nd to join the Legue in the ner future.
《我的媽媽-My mother》
My mother is ordinry women.She is very very ordinry women,relly.She looks like very ordinry;her ge very ordinry;only her wers looks like very specil.
My mother lwys wer wide csul pnts, T-shirt (or wide vest),nd pir of sunglsses.She lwys use toiletry,consequently she’s skin ws very good.
My mother is very benignnt,nd she ws very love me.I with regrd to these,I to be thnkful.I love my mother , too.Becuse she gve me very very mny.She civilize by eduction me how to do in world nd knowledge.
My mother is office workers.She everydy works hrd,but she lwys not to get heighten.
I love my mother , becuse she gve me very mny thinks.
I love my Mum . A ordinry nd lrgeness mother.
《我的學(xué)校生活-My School life》
My nme is Beth. I'm 14 yers old, nd I study in No. 1 Middle School of Hui'n. My school is very big nd beutiful. I'm very hppy in the school.
I usully get up t 6:15 in the morning. then I do morning exercises in the plyground. At 6:40, I hve my brekfst. You cn see mny students nd techers in the dinning room. After brekfst, I often red English with my clssmtes.
We hve six clsses every dy. the first clss begins t 7:50 m. I like ll the clsses, becuse my techers cn mke the clsses lively nd interesting. My fvorite subject is English, so I join English Corner every week. I cn spek English with mny other students there. It's very interesting nd exciting. I think it's helpful for me to lern English well. After clss, I lwys ply gmes with my friends. We ply bsketbll, soccer bll, volleybll, ping-pong nd so on. they re very relxing.
I like my lessons, my friends nd my techers. In word, I love my school. I find my school life is more nd more meningful nd colorful. My school life is wonderful, isn't it?
《我溫暖的家-My sweet home》
Most people hs sweet home,so hve I.I think my home is sweet becuse it is my best plce to hve rest or hve fun with my friends or my prents.
I cn remember cler.Once I cme bck home lte becuse my techer didn't wnt me leve until
I finished my work.At tht time,the wether becme
colder nd the wind becme stronger.I ws so hungry nd cold t tht time!I felt I cn't tke it ny more,so I rn to my home quickly.When I got my home,I felt much more wrmer nd hppiness thn ever before!
Tht's why I love my sweet home,Don't you think so ?
《理想的工作-my drem job》
Since i ws n innocent child, i hd the ide to be doctor in the future. I lwys see the people died in the TV, i feels frustrted bout it. therefore, drem to be doctor cme into my mind. I wnt to be the person who cn sve people's life just like God Jesus.