《刮痧》是一部由鄭曉龍執(zhí)導(dǎo),梁家輝 / 蔣雯麗 / 朱旭主演的一部劇情 / 家庭類型的電影。
刮痧是什么 是中醫(yī)土方
刮痧是什么 是文化沖擊
刮痧是什么 是繼承傳遞
刮痧是什么 是東方大愛
這部早前的片子果然溫故知新 P同學(xué)的畢業(yè)論文選題確實有太多論點可取
我只想以文化沖擊做切入 Culture Shock
這個hope english里的一專題課文 在扔掉書本的兩年以后
正如主角一家 中國的知識分子 美國的新移民 擁有事業(yè) 財富 良好的人際關(guān)系和國際認可
即便如此 即便能順利地在白人中生活 仍然不可避免著這巨大的沖擊
原因在我們?nèi)松念^幾十年 我們都接受著東方的傳統(tǒng)并以此為用
我們以中國式的思維思考了20年 我們以中國的方式解釋對世界的認識
起落一次飛機 就要將以往20年如同留在后背的鄉(xiāng)愁一并拋開
新的語言文字 它就像我體內(nèi)換取的新鮮血液一樣 另我痛恨 并且不適
然而我們還很欣喜地把它叫做“全球化” 這是21世紀最大的笑話
如果還有更大的笑話 那么就是在角落拍案的我也欲勢加入自嘲的行列 并為此苦苦沉吟
換個角度說 我承認每回我看完電影都情難自控不免偏激
當(dāng)洋人拿著英版《西游記》譴責(zé)monckey king是頑劣自私道德敗壞的中國猴子的時候
回到刮痧的問題上來 要說文化傳統(tǒng)我不免想到口語書里的問題:
Have you ever changed your name?Do chinese people like changing their names?
且不說明星和佛徒的更名癖 我要說在中國名字是父母給的 保持原名那是對長者的尊敬也是對傳統(tǒng)的尊敬
18歲前我總?cè)轮?18歲后即便我叫張小狗張小花之類也不會考慮更名了 這就是成長吧
再例句說片子里的 我兒子打了你兒子 我當(dāng)著你的面收拾我寶貝兒子 那是給你面子
美國人又不了解了 你打你自己兒子關(guān)我哪門子面子 這是什么見鬼的東方邏輯
這就是東西方 也是傳統(tǒng)與國際 兩者何以一體
你們洋鬼子是亞當(dāng)和夏娃造的 中國人是女媧給捏出來的 從人體構(gòu)造上說就不一樣嘛
《刮痧》觀后感(二):只想說說N多個槽點- -
2.美國人的游戲頒獎典禮上,為何會有《街頭霸王》(made in Japan)亂入?
3.大同獲獎感言中,大談美國夢說:“只要努力,總有一天我會成為你們中的一員,成為一個真正的,成功的美國人。” 你一個中國人,最終想成為美國人,給你差評!
不知道秉持著中國邏輯在美國過活是不是格外辛苦,也不清楚電影中的這種情形是否夸張。American dream對于許大同并不甜蜜,我想最大的問題還是在于他錯把他鄉(xiāng)當(dāng)故鄉(xiāng)。
《刮痧》觀后感(四):現(xiàn)實理性 中和感性的中西文化差異
一.“理性”與“感性”的中西情感表達 電影中有兩個片段直接反映了不同國家對于情感認知的不同方式。第一,“不打不成材”的教育理念。第二,“道不同不相為謀”的朋友間相處方式。在中國,人們似乎習(xí)慣性的'將個人情感與利益、事物等其他聯(lián)系在一起。在這樣的人情社會中,情感是聯(lián)系人與社會的巨大紐帶。在美國,每個人都是獨立的存在,人們不會因為情感的相識而產(chǎn)生太多的其他方面的利用與交易。這兩種不同的認知導(dǎo)致兩個國家文化巨大的差異與交流方式的不同。也正是這樣的處理方式,也才有了中國如此之大國間的人與人的溫情和諧相處。
二.“情感式”的中國英雄人物設(shè)定 電影中值得稱贊的便是在法庭上,中美卡通人物價值觀之間的爭辯這一環(huán)節(jié)的設(shè)定!昂谩迸c“壞”、“善” 與“惡”, 在不同的文化背景下就會產(chǎn)生不同的價值觀的判定。 《西游記》中的“悟空” ,就像我們每個人的成長階段,單純、貪玩、執(zhí)拗、倔強,但是在我們愛的人面前,我們最終學(xué)會了妥協(xié)、改變、陪伴,最終在經(jīng)歷了八十一難“孫悟空” 護送了師傅取經(jīng),也在不斷地磨練中渡了自己。孫悟空,永遠是每個中國人成長中的陪伴。
《刮痧》觀后感(五):Analysis on Guasha Treatment from Intercultural Communication
When a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture, intercultural communication occurs, which is a kind of communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinctive enough to alter the communication event. People are alike and different. We carry our culture with us wherever we go, and it influences how we respond to the people we meet.
The leading man in the movie Gua Sha Treatment has been in America for eight years as a new immigrant. At the beginning of this movie, the man, Datong addressed a speech in American way to show his love to America and American dream. It seemed that he has gained great success in the American mainstream society. Yet it was just an exaggeration of his success when used to make the comparison with the ensuing events.
Datong and his wife were born and raised in China, while their son was a Chinese American. They taught their son in American way and spoke English all the time. In the celebration, we can find Datong was praised and encouraged by his boss, who can be taken as a representative of the mainstream business. At the party, because of the quarrel between the two children, the son, Dennis was beaten by his father, which is just a very common action in Chinese culture. The grandfather of Dennis also admitted the way of education. Because the other boy is the son of his boss, Datong gave his son a lesson to show his respect to the boss, who can not understand it at all. The boss was shocked and accepted it temporarily. In American culture, individualism is the key point of American cultural pattern, even between the father and the son. But in Chinese cultural pattern, fathers have the right or responsibility to educate the sons, no matter in a legal way or his personal way. We tend to take it as family privacy, instead of family violence or child abuse. In traditional Chinese culture, family conflict is often solved between family members and it’s a shame to spread family conflict outside of the house, while in America, the law and regulations make the difference.
There was a very plain role in this movie, Lao Huo, the man who acted terra-cotta warrior, which was a loser in pursuing American dream compared with Datong. There were only the daily life and death of Lao Huo in this movie, which reflected the pursuit and struggling of an ordinary person in America. The death of him made the father of Datong think a lot, which was a clue to tell us the old man will return to China finally. According to the two different results of pursuing American dream, two different result of cultural conflict revealed.
After the Gua Sha treatment rendered by the grandfather, Datong and his wife accepted it because of their Chinese culture background and the previous experience. It’s natural for the couple to keep the accident of child abuse secret to their father. And Datong confessed it was he who gave the treatment to the child, although his wife showed a little reluctance and hesitance. Actually his father gave the Gua Sha treatment to the son. There was an obvious culture difference in the episode. Chinese people behave on the basis of experience, while American act with the reference to the specific evidence. It’s praiseworthy for Datong to be a scapegoat for his father. In Chinese traditional culture, the law is important but sometimes affection counts. It’s dutiful and responsible to reduce the pains of parents both in China and America. If Datong admitted his father gave the treatment to the child and his to father will be accused by the court. Although it’s lawful, it’s unfilial in Chinese culture, which is an unforgivable fault.
Chinese view on interpersonal relationship network has been illustrated richly in this movie. When Datong needed a lawyer to help him, he sought help of his friend, who is actually not a lawyer of family law, but copyright law. Because of the lack of legal knowledge and the good relationship between them, Datong insisted on his help. Before the hearing commenced, Datong’s wife asked why the court was not the same as she saw before on TV. The tiny episode accounted for the difference between the judicial systems. Because Datong was in trouble, he turned to his friend for help, regardless of his professional field. Chinese weak legal consciousness was also criticized and satirized in this movie and Datong’s family became victims of culture shock.
Although Gua Sha treatment is common and effective in China, we never tried to understand how it worked. We learned our culture from folk tales, mass media, and education. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation, so we never question the therapy. Everyone is a product of his own culture, it’s undoubted for American to have nothing idea about the treatment. But we can also find strong prejudice and ethnocentrism of America in the response to the case.
The trial of this child abuse case could be regarded as the climax of this film. Datong’s family fights against the charge, which is an intense conflict between the Chinese and American cultures. Traditional medical treatment cannot be proved and admitted. They have no interest in proving why Gua Sha treatment is advisable but tried to prove how much the couple loves their son. The judgment and condemnation are just based on the scratch, the judge never showed a fair and sensible attitude to the medical treatment. Chinese classical book Journey to the West is considered from the negative perspective, even though the accuser knew it was wrong. The malicious and deliberated objection described American competition and materialism. The aim of the dispute is just for the victory in the court, regardless of the wicked ways. The prejudice and discrimination are two apparent obstacles in the intercultural communication. Moreover, the ethnocentrism of America was also perceivable. The judge and the accuser never showed justice to Datong’s rebuttal. Because of the ignorance of the treatment, they were very indifferent and pride to Datong’s statement. This uncooperative attitude made this event worse. It seems all of them are well-educated and civilized, but the communication problems repeatedly arose. Both of the parties held respective strong cultural background and different values, which have implemented enormous impact.
Additionally, the stereotyping to Chinese or easterners are mentionable. When Datong said he hit his son to save his boss’ face, to make him feel better. The boss felt it was twisted and absurd. When Datong said it was a common sense to save his wife rather than the child, the female accuser said, your Orientals are barbarian. Stereotypes were a means of organizing our images into fixed and simple categories that we use to stand for the entire collection of people. In most distances, stereotypes are the products of limited, lazy, and misguided perceptions. In the movie, some Americans never their confirmation bias and tend to put Chinese to shame. Then, the failure in intercultural communication occurs.
According to Hall’s high-context and low-context communication, the Asian mode of communication is often indirect and implicit, whereas western communication tends to be direct and explicit-that is, everything needs to be stated. Westerners are more prone to making very explicit statements and have little capability with nonverbal forms of expression. High-context cultures tend to be more aware of their surroundings and their environment and do not rely on verbal communication as their main information channel. According to the analysis of the movie, we can find the difference between high-context and low-context communication. At the beginning, Datong’s wife disliked the grandfather’s smoking, but she said nothing directly and opened the window. Certainly the grandfather understood it easily. On the contrary, Americans often get permission first. And if they want to show the objection, they spoke it out. But it’s not impolite and respectful to ask the elder not to do something. When Chinese show their anger, it is also implicit. Datong was very angry to his boss, because he has thought his boss would help him on this issue. Datong hoped his boss to support him, but the fact that the boss told everything straightforward, which was unfavorable to Datong. In Datong’s view, they were friends and it’s responsible for the boss to help him and he took the frankness of his boss as a kind of betrayal. He was unwilling to work there any more and planned to quit that job after no discussion with his boss. It’s normal to a Chinese man to show his anger and express their spilt relationship. From the perspective of the American, it has nothing to do with their friendship. It’s reasonable and lawful to tell the judge all the truth. They don’t show personal emotions in the business and persuaded Datong to work, which is a way to show his kindness and concern.
The ending of this movie is happy and warm. The boss understood Gua Sha treatment and Datong’s family gained reunion on the important western festival. No matter in East or West, family reunion and family love are enjoyable and happy. In the end, the grandfather educated and taught his son again. It was warm and moving because we can feel the father’s love; no matter he expressed his love explicitly or implicitly. The grandfather left America because he found it was troublesome and upset for a person like him to live in the Western culture. It was a failure for an elderly like him in intercultural communication, and it was a success for the young generation in America.
The last episode in the movie was the boy’s learning mandarin, which was a strong contrast to the beginning of the movie, where the boy was educated to speak English to prepare for the competition of the future. No culture is more advanced than others and cultural diversity should be advocated and protected. Human brain is an open system and supposed to appreciate the diversity.
Finally, the name of the leading man in this movie, “Datong”, is also a Chinese Confucian classical term, which means great harmony. Obviously, the name was created with the implied meaning. “Datong” society is the perfect and ideal society in Confucianism, which conveyed the hope and wish of the movie producers. Although there are so many different countries, cultures, systems, races, etc, it’s a pursuit to build such kind of harmonious society without discrimination, prejudice, conflict, war…
《刮痧》觀后感(七):When a Chinese in America
I guess what the Chinese family have experienced in this movie can be seen as a miniature of what have happened to Chinese in real life over the last century. In the movie, Datong Xu cost about eight years to realize his American dream, secure life, good wealth and happy family, although he just sold paintings on the street for living when landing at this new country at first. Unable to find more details about the life in that eight years, we can still imagine what sufferings he had went though. However, he is content enough about everything he owned when the old memory has passed. When standing at the stage, he said delightedly, with holding the trophy tightly, ”I love America, I am proud to become an American.” He thinks himself an America as it should be. In fact, he is absolutely wrong.
Although he and his wife hold on to speak English, try to integrate with the American culture and even not to teach their son Chinese(their child even can’t understand what his grandpa said!), he still is a Chinese, a Chinese by his nature. First of all, He is very filial so that he prevent his father from knowing how big a thing his father had done brings to the whole family just in case of his father’s solicitude. What he said is completely a typical Chinese mindset when he sent his father to the airport. Besides, what he think and perform is still bound to the Chinese norms. He forced his son to apologize to his boss’s kid even in a violent way though his boss said that’s needless. Afterwards, when Datong is mad at the “betray” of his boss, his boss explained that you forcing your kid to apologize is wrong, indeed. He cried out angrily, that’s because i want to extend my respect to you, to give you face! Whereas, his boss could not comprehend at all, “You beat you kid to show your respect to me?” Similar examples can be figured out everywhere.
Honestly speaking, i can understand how despondent he is. All he pursues is nothing but secure life and entire family, ordinary and easy to chase for others in America. In the movie, he asked to himself, why this thing would happen to us? This simple question can be thought of as the voice in many Chinese hearts of several generations, in my view. Why those terrible things would happen to us? Why is it so hard to live a simple life? These questions are more than cross-cultural communication. They are cultural shocks and even cultural conflicts.
Many people would point out that Datong never obey the laws of America, after all,Do in Rome as Rome does. Indeed, he should show enough respects to the country where he would stay till his death. However, dose the America do their best to the regard of those immigrants? I guess the answer is hardly to be a yes. When encountering with something they know nothing about, they gave a judge without probing. To assess other cultures so casually without hesitation though they know how precious this classic is in Chinese culture. What would they react if we did the same to their bible?
When your culture stays in a inferior position, it is so hard to say “no” to the superior culture. It is this that made us indignant about these stories, what made me sorrowful watching this movie and what made so many disputes and conflicts even at present. When a American or European newspaper criticizes Chinese because of eating dog meats, we will get shamed and get rid of it. But is what they say always right? And what is right? Dose Datong’s father go wrong for treating his grandson? Dose Datong do wrong to get angry for somebody assaulting Chinese culture? They are not wrong at all. They are only not to be understood.
Fortunately, everything is getting better.In the movie,Datong’s boss went to experience guasha on himself.He began to know what guasha is and endeavored to help his friend to pull through.Of course,a happy ending is always concluded in a movie not in real life so dramatically.Still, with communications to convince us, the west is willing to show respects to other cultures while the others are opt to express our own ideas.Yes, we have so many disparities, so many gaps and so many misunderstandings while at the same time we can struggle to know about each other.To understand,to respect and to love,which is not only the core notion of this movie but what many Chinese try every efforts to pursue.
對于渴望成功,懷有夢想的年輕人來說,美國的社會也許更有吸引力,從許大同的一句" I love America. This is my piece of America dream."中可以看出,他對美國文化的認同。
前幾天才看了一個在中國生活了十年的美國人拍的記錄短片叫《跑吧,中國》(run,China)。創(chuàng)意很簡單,記者拿著一張百元人民幣隨機采訪美國路人,問他們知不知道鈔票上的頭像是誰。結(jié)果沒有我想象的那么好,一部分人,確切的說是一小部分人準確的答出了Chairman mao,還有一些只說是中國的總統(tǒng)或總理,有些人說不認識,還有些人認成是胡志明。問到對中國的了解,只說是too many people,有Great wall,五千年的歷史,至于說起現(xiàn)在的中國只說啊,Yao!少數(shù)幾個人說起了中國經(jīng)濟的崛起,終于讓我感到一絲安慰。
電影 刮痧 觀后感07-24